
Green Exploration Rockford x Region 1 Planning Council

Let’s choose a sustainable future together

Region 1 Planning Council

Region 1 Planning Council (R1) is a special-purpose, regional government agency designated to coordinate intergovernmental collaboration. This regional model provides an efficient means to promoting a well-informed, comprehensive dialogue that holistically addresses regional issues by fulfilling the needs of government entities for long-range planning, securing funding, and analyzing and providing data in support of regional projects and initiatives.

Essential to fulfilling its purpose as a planning commission, R1 is a designated metropolitan planning organization (MPO), economic development district (EDD), geographic information system (GIS), and land bank. Services also extend to a wide variety of economic development assistance, fund development, and research and analytics.

R1 allows policymakers to understand how a project can influence multiple aspects of community, including: housing, education, environment, transportation, community health, and economic development.

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Green Exploration: Rockford

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